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talibus Allecto dictis exarsit in iras.
at iuveni oranti subitus tremor occupat artus,
deriguere oculi: tot Erinys sibilat hydris
tantaque se facies aperit; tum flammea torquens
lumina cunctantem et quaerentem dicere plura
reppulit, et geminos erexit crinibus anguis
verberaque insonuit rabidoque haec addidit ore:
‘en ego victa situ, quam veri effeta senectus
arma inter regum falsa formidine ludit!
respice ad haec: adsum dirarum ab sede sororum,
bella manu letumque gero.’
At these words Allecto blazed forth in fury. A sudden spasm seized the young man’s limbs as he spoke, his eyes were set staring: the Fury hisses with countless snakes, and what a face she reveals. Rolling her flaming eyes she then slammed him backwards as he hesitated wanting to say more. She stood up two snakes in her hair and cracked her whip, adding this from her savage mouth: “Oh, I’m decrepit in crumpled old age am I, and I’ve lost the plot? And with regard to war — the business of kings — my age makes a fool of me with false fear, does it? Consider this: I am here from the abode of the dread sisters, and in my hand I bring war and death!”
Virgil’s Aeneid, Book 7. 445-455